Research Groups
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries
Department of Law Politics and International Studies
Food Law, Safety and Nutrition
Department of Engineering and Architecture
Materials Engineering Group - MEG
Ingegneria dei processi alimentari - Food process engineering
Impianti industriali Meccanici - Industrial system engineering
Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Metrology
Medical and Surgery Department
Food and Natural Organic Compound Chemistry
Microbiology of Food and Industrial Fermentation
Nutrizione Umana - Human Nutrition Unit
Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability
Mycotoxicology and chemoprevention in the food chains
Probiotics and human microbiota
Scienze economiche e manageriali - Management and economic sciences
Department of Mathematical, Physical and and Computer Sciences
Department of Veterinary Sciences
Produzioni animali – Production of food of animal origin
Sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari di origine animale - Safety of the animal food chain