Project Title: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) or non-PDO Cheeses: The Interplay of Consumer Preferences and Cheeseomics


Acronym: PDOnonPDO 

Web Page: https://pdononpdocheeses.it/ 

Project Leader: Prof. Monica Gatti 

Project Participants: Prof. Cristina Mora, Prof. Martina Cirlini, Dr. Alessia Levante, Dr. Luca Bettera, Dr. Jasmine Hadj Saadoun, Dr. Noemi Martinengo, Dr. Rungsaran Wongprawmas. 

Project Description:

The focus of the project is on PDO cheeses made from raw milk and those produced with similar technology but lacking the protective designation label. Consumers do not always show awareness or knowledge of food products, and PDO labels, in particular, do not always have the same impact on influencing consumer attitudes, who tend to develop an affective rather than a rational perceptual process. The project aims to answer the question: what is the driver that influences consumer choice in purchasing PDO or non-PDO cheeses? To achieve this goal, three research strategies involving the application of the latest investigation techniques are planned:

i) Study whether the distinctive aromatic characteristics of PDO and non-PDO cheeses can be correlated with the metabolic activity of microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that come from raw milk and strongly link the cheese to the protected production area.

ii) Understand the reasons that guide consumer choice towards purchasing PDO or non-PDO cheeses.

iii) Lastly, but of primary importance, the project aims to provide objective elements and key information to increase the transparency of the cheese market for better consumer choices.

Four cheeses and three universities are involved in the study: Parmigiano Reggiano for the University of Parma, Robiola di Roccaverano for the University of Turin, Caciocavallo Silano for the University of Bari, and Grana Padano for all three institutions.